So Other Than That, Mrs. Lincoln, How Was The Play?

Lucky Dog
Just Call Me Lucky

I’ll make this short because I hope you’ll take the time to read it. It sheds light on an important issue for many of us. I have three questions for you.

Question Number One: Do you ever feel like the dog shown below?

Lucky Dog
Just Call Me Lucky

Well, I do, and have been for, oh, about the last eight months.

Oh hale and hearty friends, here’s the abbreviated version of my recent ailments:

  • Put in boot cast for injured right foot
  • Suffered back pain; back out of alignment due to boot cast
  • Fell and broke right arm (fractured humerus) and tore rotator cuff
  • Torn rotator cuff now compromising PT for humerus fracture
  • Have recurring cough, diagnosed as “Reactive Airway Disorder”
  • On inhaler for RAD, causing hoarseness resulting in irritated esophagus
  • Hospitalized for violent onset of vertigo and vomiting
  • Experienced blood pressure issues due to vertigo

Question Number Two: So, as the old saying goes, “Other than that, Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play?”

My series of ailments begged the question: What’s going on here?

Hence my Third and Final (and most important) Question for you:

What are you doing for your health? Perhaps what I should ask is what are you not doing for your health?

Now for some good news:

  • My sense of humor is intact
  • The hospital stay was only one night
  • I have great people providing care and PT
  • My husband hasn’t left me (yet)
  • I’m learning a few lessons, not the least of which is: I need to slow myself down and also learn to de-sponge – absorbing everything around me is bad for my health.

What lessons are you learning from your ailments? (That would be question number four but who’s counting…)



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    22 thoughts on “So Other Than That, Mrs. Lincoln, How Was The Play?”

    1. Pat Culpepper

      Hi Jeanne,

      I am sorry that it has been one thing after another for you–good thing you still have a sense of humor and a husband.

      I’m relieved to see circle on August 13th because Mama will have hernia repair done on August 3rd. So hopefully, I should be back home by then.

      May we all hang in there,

      1. We’ll save you a seat, Pat! Hope all goes well with your mom, with a heavy dose of self-care for Pat…

    2. I’m sorry that these last eight months has been so tough, but you DO have your sense of humor and a real purpose to your life and let’s give shallow self-regard it’s due: you still LOOK great. But I know that the catalogue of health issues gets old as I’ve had some biggies – one that was supposed to kill me 30 years ago. And I’m still here. Last week I took action on my health: signed up with a trainer at the new Gold’s Gym 3 minutes from my front door and had three sessions; started drinking a lot of water each day; went to the dentist and had a check up and my teeth cleaned; want to the foot doctor and had an expensive treatment; and tomorrow I make an appt. with the eye doctor for a new prescription. Best of all, today I played volleyball in a pool and was, maybe, the best one there. That’s faint praise, but I’ll take it. One friend said I was a latent athlete. Now I’ve got to get a realistic healthy diet that I can commit to not as a quick fix, but a healthier way of eating.

      As I remind myself when I’m in the throes of “dog days” — at least I don’t live in North Korea.

    3. Dear lovely humurous friend,(can I spell)
      You are great-and you KNOW this!!!(you better). I see you perfect in every way. As you know much self help is my practice. I do indeed appreciate my life and my path which takes me amazing places inside. Recently a Book (yes another one) fell off the library shelf while looking for something ease called The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks,hmmm. I find it speaking to me in a way I can hear and see thru some habits and behaviors I am aware of. He has a great way of explaining the possibility why we “have accidents” or ways of holding ourselves back from our Genius. So, celebrating the Genius we all are I send you much love and light, dear heart.
      Magdalaena with joy

      1. Magdalaena, You’re reading the right stuff! The Big Leap hit our shelves many months ago and we read it cover to cover. That may have been the reason I questioned my “accidents” and wanted to know my part in them. I think I’ll revisit The Big Leap and see what it has to say to me…

    4. barbara franklin

      I was just thinking today…wonder if Jeanne is having a circle in August – and if I will be back from my vacation? so I googled you and I see unfortunately, I will still be out of town.
      I know your days will be brighter and healthier —soon!
      Hang in there…as you always do

      My new Mantra…I AM Love , I AM Health, I AM Happiness


      1. Just hearing from you makes the days brighter and healthier, Barb. So now I AM “weller”!!

    5. “That which doesn’t kill you only makes you stronger . . . ” (and hurts like hell, and lingers, etc., etc.).
      SO – if I have have to go up against some really bad ass, evil-empire-type guys, Jeanne I want you in MY corner. You gotta be one tough broad by now!
      Hange in there.

      1. We always come through, don’t we Paul? And I’ll ALWAYS be in your corner. Bring ’em on!

    6. Mary Jane Marks

      Hello Jeanne
      I have wondered about you.
      I will try to get to your next Re-story group. I may find one of those who offer me a ride every where when we are tripping all over Austin. Are guests welcome?
      Take care and started spending your hard earned funds for fun things we don’t need to be supporting all those doctors. Love MJM

      1. Happy to have you and any guest who is interested in creating a better mindset through journal writing and deep conversation. It keeps me going, and it’s obviously worked for you, dear friend.

    7. Jeanne,
      I loved meeting you at the Agent’s conference and look forward to attending the upcoming circle on August 13th. Your post had particular resonance for me as I’ve been dealing with a gastrointestinal problem since the beginning of March. After treatments by my favorite acupuncturist were unsuccessful, and my regular doctor gave up after some tests, I dragged myself to the gastroenterologist, knowing what he would want to put me through: the big C (colonoscopy). I wasn’t scheduled for my next one until late next year, but I wanted to avoid it for as long as possible. I had a good reason: last time the nurse nicked the back of my throat with a saliva-sucker, causing blood to drip down into my lungs, producing a horrible sore throat for 24 hours and bronchitis that lasted 24 days during the month of December (of all times to be sick)!!! But, after taking some meds that didn’t work and practicing avoidance a little longer, I realized I had to take care of my gastric system, no matter what they do to my respiratory one. I scheduled the procedure for the first available date, mid-August. I’m finding my solace in the fact that, unlike so many Americans, I have health insurance that covers most of the cost and resulting bronchitis, if any. Good luck to you, Jeanne!


      1. Wow, Jeffe, you’ve been put throw the wringer, haven’t you? I loved what you said about realizing you needed to do what YOU felt was the right thing. A hard call, I’m sure. Hope all goes well. And we’ll look forward to having you at the south Re-Story Circle. Directions and information will go out next week.

    8. Hi Jeanne –

      Well, not only is your humor intact, so is your memory. I am so impressed that you can remember that array of ailments! Let’s just hope that is the end of your list for
      awhile. Here’s a cute medical joke just for you…
      Patient to Doctor: “Doc, you have to help me. Some days I think I’m Mickey Mouse, some days I think I’m Donald Duck.”
      Doctor says: “How long have you had these Disney spells?”

      1. Linda – I miss seeing you, and, I don’t know how it’s possible, but I miss your jokes…

    9. Barbara Miller

      Good Heavens, Heavens to Betsy and My Word! No wonder I haven’t seen much of you lately. You’ve “tried” just about one of everything and a few I’ve never heard of. Sorry about your litany of troubles and I’ll just bet your sense of humor wasn’t intact at the beginning of most of them. Good for you that you can now make it sound like “a funny thing happened on the way to my life” as you usually do. Do take care, ya’hear?

      1. Barb – after all you two have been through over these last years, my litany of troubles has been a walk in the ol’ park. Humor has indeed been the best medicine. Hope to see you soon.

    10. Dear One,

      I’d like to come right over to your house with a large iced vanilla latte in hand. Love that you, as always, are able to keep learning, laughing and loving in and through everything that shows up in your sacred circle. For another perspective on “falling down” try this offering from Fr. Rohr “Falling Upward: A Spirituality for the Two Halves of Life.” I would love to kiss your sweet face again soon. Take good care dear friend.

      1. Hi Beverly! Don’t you just love Richard Rohr’s work? His words, your smile and a large iced vanilla latte would cure anybody…

    11. One other thing, I come pretty close to the description of the lost dog: Old, black, woman, lesbian, blind in right eye. I’m a walking diversity poster.

      1. Hmm. If I ever do a blog post on diversity, I’ll give you a call and you could be that month’s poster child…

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