I’m Not Inviting You But Don’t Fret

Fret No More Graphics by B. Shone
Fret No More
Graphics by B. Shone

My best friend gave me a new mantra (as if I needed one). I’ll share.

“I release the need to fret about my life.”

Fret? Fret: to be constantly or visibly anxious. Do you fret? I do NOT fret.

Well, maybe a little. Okay, some days a lot.

And recently I had one of those days. Somehow if it could have gone wrong, it did.

But the next day was better. I practiced the mantra. What a concept. I discovered if I actually practice the mantra, the day ends up being a pretty decent day. In fact, I think I’ll say my little mantra right now, let go, take a deep breath and enjoy this moment.

Ah, better.

How about you? Are you fretting? Is “constantly or visibly being anxious” really working for you?

Yeah, I thought not. I’m inviting you to not fret. Might be better to opt for that deep breath right about now.

What’s your mantra?



For those of you in the Austin area, come and enjoy an evening of mantras in October. We’ll use journal writing and deep conversation to help us look at what we’re saying to ourselves, shift how we look at our lives and “re-story” them.

Dates: Monday, OCTOBER 8 (South Austin) or Wednesday, OCTOBER 10 (North Austin). Click here for more information: https://www.jeanneguy.com/re-story-circles/


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    5 thoughts on “I’m Not Inviting You But Don’t Fret”

    1. A longtime girlfriend advised me to carry the numeral “8” in my wallet.
      The numeral, when put sideways, represents an ‘infinity’ symbol.
      She said that when you’re stressed/anxious/worried – rub that “8” while saying this:

      “The abundance of the Universe is everywhere. I have all that I need.”

      This is sort of like what Ms. Winegarten says above!
      TIP: buy a numeral “8” at Home Depot – place in wallet – try it.
      What the heck?
      It beats fretting….

      Another wise friend who is battling lymphoma said: “Worry is like a negative PRAYER.” In other words, what ever you worry about is likely to come TRUE.

      So stop worrying!

    2. Wish our frets could stay on guitars where they belong!!!
      My sweet Mom’s mantra was “100 years from now it won’t matter anyhow!” She didn’t call it a mantra, but it was…..

      Me, I breathe, and try to remember that the universe is unfolding as it should. Thanks, Max, from Desiderada.

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