The Joy of Peeing in the Potty on Purpose

Joy of Peeing in the Pot
The Joy of Peeing in the Potty on Purpose
Joy of Peeing in the Pot
The Joy of Peeing in the Potty on Purpose

When you get a text that says Maddy, your three-year-old granddaughter, just peed in the potty on purpose and you jump for joy (even though you know it will cause you to wet your pants), you’ve got a handle on real happiness and life feels pretty much complete.

Have you lost that kind of joy? Has the Voice of Joy been drowned out by the Voice of Ugly Talk?

What do you do when you catch yourself being mean to yourself or grumbling rather than appreciating the joy of peeing in a pot?

The other day, I caught myself saying mean things…to myself. Again…

Really? I thought. This is how I’m treating myself? This is not pretty.

I say things to myself that I wouldn’t say to my dog. I don’t have a dog, but if I did, I sure wouldn’t talk to her like she was a dog. Well, you know what I mean.

What’s up with the Mean Talk?

What would it take to stop ourselves from going down that old, rut-worn road of an internal, harsh, self-deprecating diatribe?

Maddy knows the Simple 3-Step Process to feeling joy and she “shared” it with her mom.

Here’s what Maddy’s mom wrote to me recently.

So thankful for Maddy! Having such a crappy day and she keeps me grounded, reminds me to see joy in the little things. Like being excited that we got to see a train and watch a tractor cut grass…instead of being pissed and worried about being late for her checkup because of said train.

Here’s what Maddy knows: OPEN YOUR EYES and get into the moment. You keep the Voice of Ugly Talk at bay by remembering your three Rs:

Relax. Reflect. Renew.

1) You take a deep breath (very important),

2) notice what’s right in front of that cute nose of yours (note train story above) and, if your self-talk is Ugly Talk,

3) reframe or re-story it – look at it through Maddy’s eyes. Ask yourself, “What if I enjoyed this moment by…?”

4) Smile and experience the joy. (A bonus to the 3-step process!)

If it doesn’t bring a smile to your face, then go back and start over again. Recommit to joy.

Fake it if you have to at first, but with a little practice, you too can learn to be happy when you pee in the potty on purpose.



For those of you in the Austin Area:

Join us at our next Re-Story Circle Gathering where you’ll use the Re-Story Journal Writing Process ™ to explore, share and reimagine your life so it includes a little more joy and less ugly self-talk. You’ll have two hours to relax, reflect and renew – sound good? I hope so!

Monday, June 10 (South Austin) or Wednesday, June 12 (North Austin)

More information at


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    4 thoughts on “The Joy of Peeing in the Potty on Purpose”

    1. I can relate as we have a granddaughter who is going through potty training and she reminds me about the joy of simple things every time I get to see her . . . I’ll try out the 3R’s next time I have a really bad day.

      I imagine that sometime in my future I will literally re-experience the “joy of peeing in the potty” (when I start needing adult diapers) but for now I’ll be satisfied to enjoy it through our granddaughter.

      1. Yep, the granddaughter’s diapers are much preferred to our own. But, given a choice, since I’ve apparently chosen to grow older (and feeling darn lucky to be doing so), I’ll deal with the diapers when needed – and so will you. 🙂

        Happy birthday, Pete!

    2. How beautiful is this! I love that little girl…and I love her mom….and her mom….so much!

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