Temporary Crutches

Not exciting news but I severely twisted my ankle several weeks back (can you hear the violins playing in the background?). I was trying to do too much at one time getting ready for an unexpected vacation.

The pain stopped me in my tracks. But ten minutes later, no pain! An hour later, I went to work out with DJ, a most excellent trainer at the Dell Jewish Community Center. All good, or so I thought…

By the time I sat down for dinner that night the ankle had started to throb and shortly thereafter I couldn’t walk on that foot. Ice, leg up, immobilized, and two days on crutches—right before we were to leave for the countryside of southern France. I was forced to slow down. I packed light and hoped for the best.

Southern France
The Beauty of Southern France

I spent the next week in France moving at a slower speed.

Now I’m grateful for the message of the temporary crutches.

Most importantly, I want to move to southern France.

I was lucky enough to drag my sore ankle to France to learn how to BE in life rather than control it.

Short of temporary crutches, what would it take for you to slow down and enjoy your life?


For those of you in the Austin Area:

I’m inviting you to come – not to France (sorry) but to the next Jeanne Guy Re-Story Circle Gathering where you’ll use the Re-Story Journal Writing Process ™ to explore, share and reimagine your life. You’ll have two hours to relax, reflect and renew. Ready to slow down to wake up to your life?

Monday, July 8 (South Austin) or Wednesday, July 10 (North Austin)

More information at https://www.jeanneguy.com/re-story-circles/


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    2 thoughts on “Temporary Crutches”

    1. jeanne dear, you learn many lessons through your body. this is a good thing i think but can you imagine learning through your physicality in a more joyful manner. have you considered dance? interested, let me know.

      vanilla latte love,
      guess who

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