66 Days

66 Ways to Celebrate

Stop right now. Stop. Ask yourself the question, “If I had 66 days to celebrate my life, what would I do?”

As of February 1st, it’s my Birthday Season.

66 Ways to Celebrate

Kim, my most brilliant daughter-in-law, taught me about birthday seasons: you get to celebrate one day for every year you’ve graced the planet with your presence.

That’s a whopping 66 days pour moi and that’s a whole lot of celebrating.

What to do?

Rachelle Gardner, literary agent, provided me with some answers…

I could:

  • Cut out “the noise” (over-stimulating my brain with too many diverse sources of input each day)
  • Focus in a single direction for extended periods of time
  • Guard my mind much more intentionally
  • Spend more time driving, walking and hiking (and breathing) in silence

To read her entire blog, go here: http://www.rachellegardner.com/2013/02/be-the-gatekeeper-of-your-mind/

Which leaves me with lots and lots and lots of room for gratitude for my life. Here’s what I want to do with my 66 days…

Send 66 loving wishes to Carolyn’s family
Send 66 prayers to Nora, Heather, Debi and Jim
Send 66 loving thoughts to Karen and Joanne
Take 66 walks
Give 66 hugs
Get 66 smooches from my sweetheart
Have 66 glasses of (good) red wine
Get 66 moments to cuddle with my cats
Practice 66 meditations
Make 66 good choices
Work on my manuscript every day for 66 days
Have 66 belly laughs
Have 66 days to be me
Have 66 chances to make a contribution to my world

What if I had only 66 days? What if you did? What would you choose? Post your ideas and let’s share in the celebration…


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    1 thought on “66 Days”

    1. my 66 days are coming up soon. now is a good time to start thinking about this….
      I’ll be back with you henceforth!
      Yippee for the Spring Retreat! We all could use a little change!

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