I Am My Brother’s Keeper

“The best and most beautiful things in the world
cannot be seen or touched…but are felt in the heart.”

— Helen Keller

My only sister and I recently spent four days in Birmingham, Alabama visiting our only brother and his family. We haven’t been together since our mother died eight years ago. We so thoroughly enjoyed being in each other’s company that my eyes are wet with silly tears just thinking about our visit.

My brother doesn’t like nor does he read long emails. He prefers to spend his time grateful for and loving his life, his family and his God, even though that life has included a number of bouts with cancer and a host of other challenges.

So, Jim, this is the shortest and most meaningful blog I’ve ever written.

I love you, and am crazy blessed to call you brother. Regardless of any differences we may have, it’s this amazing love we share that is at the heart of our relationship.

So dear readers, is there someone in your life that needs to know you love them? Have you told them?

Doesn’t take much. Look – a less-than-200-word blog…


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    16 thoughts on “I Am My Brother’s Keeper”

    1. Joyce Boatright

      You really got to the heart of the matter! Life is all about relationships. Everything else is window dressing.

    2. J. B. Baker, Sr

      I don’t remember when the pictures were taken or how long ago it was. The surprising thing is, I really haven’t changed that much. Ok, maybe a few more pounds. I have been blessed with more than I deserve. As I said at our mother’s memorial in 2006, God sent two of His angels, my two sisters, to look after our mother. Even though the three of us live in different parts of this country, we continue to stay in touch via phone. It’s hard to believe that it was eight years ago, when the three of us spent time together.

      Their recent visit to Birmingham was to short, but was enjoyed by all.

      Yes, I have had numerous challenges in last five years with health issues. The good news is, that I’m still here to talk about them. Some people may say that I was lucky to have positive outcomes. My answer is, I was not lucky, but Blessed to have our Heavenly Father holding my hand. On August 31, 2003, I reached out to Christ and asked Him to forgive me and to be my Lord and Savior. My main goal in life, is to see that my family and friends will be joining me some day in heaven.

      I close this message with knowing, I love my sisters and they love me.

      1. Now I know you need me as your keeper. Look a little closer. The pictures were cleverly cropped photos we took this past weekend.

        Blessed be the ties that bind!

    3. This is profoundly perfect. Your love for your brother is present in every sentence.

      Telling those we love that we love them – it is so necessary. I got a chance to do that with my only brother the day before he died peacefully at his home.

      Here is the “synchro’: I got two chances. I had to go back. I had forgotten my cell phone charger.

      The ‘first’ goodbye didn’t feel right. It wasn’t enough. His eyes had been closed. I wasn’t sure he heard.

      When I returned from just a few miles down the road his eyes were wide open.

      I said how much I had loved him; that I would always love him – that he was the best brother ever.

      The best part? I made him smile by altering a line from a song we knew, “You ‘ain’t heavy, you’re my brother.”

      Now I’m the one with wet stuff in the eyes but they’re grateful tears. The love was SAID in time.

      1. Barbi, what a beautiful and important story–a wake-up call for us all. Thanks for sharing. Those love words matter.

    4. I like that your brother’s comment was longer than the blog post. You were brief, as you knew that’s what he needed. He offered more words, as I suspect he knew was in keeping with his sister’s usual mode of operation – her love language, so to speak. I’m so happy for you that you had that time together.

      1. Yep, 225 words to my 190 (including the quote, I might add…). And how astute of you (as a writer yourself) to understand and comment on the love of language we writers have. Thanks for sending your tender thoughts, Taline.

    5. What a delight to see Jim again, and I swear, he hasn’t aged. My heart swelled and my eyes teared as I read your very short, but oh so loving, blog. So glad you and Joanne made this trip. My love to the three of you.

      1. Thanks to my dearest Chicago peep. The only thing that would have made the trip even better is if you could have been there with us. Jim will love your “you haven’t aged” comment!

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