Laying It All Down

Art by B. Shone

“Let go of the ways you thought life would unfold:
the holding of plans or dreams or expectations – let it all go.”
— Dana Faulds

I almost didn’t go. Too busy. Too tired. But since any good facilitator/therapist/coach knows rule number one is self-care, I spent the morning getting “facilitated.”

I laid it all down – the tiredness, the stacks of work – and went to a Saturday morning journaling gathering put on by Eremos (my friend, Dianna Amorde, is the Executive Director and a hoot), “Opening to Love Through the Questions in the Heart.”

Eileen Moe and Carolyn Scarborough were the facilitators. To be blunt, they did an amazing job co-facilitating, making it look like an easy, flowing dance. Kudos, ladies.

I teach this journaling-leads-to-wisdom stuff, and because I do, I need to lay it all down from time to time and practice letting someone else take care of me, guiding me back toward my own wisdom.

It was an ah-ha morning, and I left renewed and, as Eremos Founder and Spiritual Program Director Jean Springer said, ready to take on the world.

So, people, take the ol’ deep breath, step away from the computer, the cell phone, the tablet, and give yourselves a little break to re-member who you are. Let me know how it goes.

Featured Art by B. Shone 2014


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    8 thoughts on “Laying It All Down”

    1. Jeanne,
      It was delightful to see you and a wonderful morning.

      I keep going back and forth – Journal – Meditate? Meditate- Journal? It feels like yoga, it is in the showing up for the practice that makes growth and change possible.

      Thanks for keeping it real.
      Peace and joy to you,

      1. It’s rather fun to experiment with it, isn’t it? And I agree, showing up is all it takes.

        Your being at the workshop made it an even better morning. So glad you are helping people with your restorative yoga practice, Regina. So thank you for keeping it real…

    2. Thank you for the reminder to step away. Life is crazy but moving whether I go with it or fight it. . . it doesn’t care!!! Love to know more about this group you mentioned if it isn’t exclusive or expensive (I guess that’s relative) but I would like to know more.
      Thanks for sharing your experiences.

    3. Dianna Amorde

      Thanks for this timely reminder after a very full two weeks since that wonderful morning workshop. As I head into the 4th of July weekend, I am eager to set aside time to simply be with myself, my journal, and the Divine. What a treat it was to have you with us Jeanne! Your flyer about your Whidbey Island Retreat is displayed at Eremos, so I get to smile and think of you everyday!

      1. It WAS a wonderful morning workshop. Keep offering them and we’ll keep coming. You provide great joy and a great service to Austin, Dianna.
        And now, after a full day of writing and running errands, and in honor of the long weekend ahead, I think I’ll go take a 20-minute nap!

    4. Oh YES to renewals in all forms. I came away refreshed myself with the presence of that circle
      of open faces and hearts, of sharing, of spirit and discovery. Your comments on choices rings so true for me: the company we choose around us, the time set aside to refresh and remembering who we truly are.
      Thanks Jeanne for your presence of real joy each time we meet and for all you give to the world.

      1. I always knew I liked you. 🙂 Thanks for all YOU give to the world, and for starting my day with a smile, Eileen.

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