What Do You Mean the Link Doesn’t Work???

I read a little daily jewel called Courage to Change almost every morning. Today’s message was a corker:

“Eventually I realized that my assets are the foundation upon which my new, healthier life is being built. Refusing to recognize them just holds down my self-esteem. As long as I see myself as pitiful, hopeless, and sick, I don’t have to change.”

Right. Easy for them to say. My self-esteem took a hit yesterday when I sent out a message to a large oodle of my friends with a bad link to my website.

But you know what happened? I felt loved-back-on-my-feet by your responses. Not only did you patiently inform me of the mistake, many of you found your way to the site and signed up for the Re-Story Circles anyhow. Vulnerability allows for a loving connection. Ain’t it great…

For those of you troubled by my ineptness but really wanting to come to one of the Circles, here’s the link – the real one, the one that works: https://www.jeanneguy.com/re-story-circles/

One last note. Courage to Change charged me with the following for today:

“Today I will acknowledge that I have many positive qualities, and I will share one or two of these with a friend.”

Positive quality #1: I have the ability to laugh at myself when inept.
Positive quality #2: I’m laughing a lot these days.

Laugh a lot today. It feels good. It’ll help re-story your life.


The Self-Proclaimed Re-Story Expert


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    1 thought on “What Do You Mean the Link Doesn’t Work???”

    1. I don’t know what I think I’m going to write, but I am feeling the urge to write something. It will be interesting to see what it might be. Being a part of your writing circle is something I feel I am ready to do. Looking forward to sharing stories……whatever they are.
      Love, Lynne

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