The Power of Kedging


Want to change your life? Try kedging (yes, kedging!)

It’s not easy trying to figure out our lives, and many of us tend to go on autopilot and hope for the best. We get stuck…and stay stuck.

New means and measures are often needed to get unstuck. Like what?



Yes, kedging. A sailing term explained in the following excerpt from Lodge and Crowley’s entertaining book on health, Younger Next Year for Women:

“Here’s an introduction to the mystery of kedging. It goes like this. The captain of a becalmed and threatened vessel has a light anchor (called a kedge) loaded into a longboat and rowed half a mile or so away. The longboat crew pops the anchor over the side, makes sure it’s “set” on the bottom, and then everyone back on the big boat pulls like demons on the line, literally hauling the ship to the anchor. Then they do the whole business again, until they get where they want to go.

“So…kedging: climbing out of the ordinary, setting a [much needed] goal and working like crazy to get there. To save yourself.”

Chris goes on to say (about obtaining good health), “Sometimes in life you’re going to need some tricks. You’re going to need a damn good kedge.”

And if you are wanting to change your life, ready to get outside of your ordinary routine and allow yourself to go in a direction you didn’t believe possible, then I have just the kedge for you: A Jeanne Guy Workshop, where you will learn you have tools at your disposal that you’re not aware of. Just as the captain realized he could use an anchor to move the ship rather than stay stuck, you can move your life forward, too!

Explore and improve your life through the power of journal writing and small group deep conversation known as “Circles.” My philosophy is “if you want a better life, it’s time to write a better story.” And these workshops offer the support, structure, encouragement and empowerment needed to explore your personal story, examine your creative options and ultimately re-story your life.

So throw your anchor, your kedge, your dream out ahead of you and pull yourself toward it. You can get unstuck and move your life forward. Kedging is the answer.  

Here’s to re-storying our lives!

If you want a better life, it’s time to write a better story…


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    1 thought on “The Power of Kedging”

    1. Interesting concept. Personally, I prefer trimtabbing, speaking of ships and things. Concept put forth by Buckminster Fuller.

      Every large ocean ship has a rudder on the back that turns the behemoth. And on every rudder, now, is an itty-bitty rudder called, you guessed it, the trimtab. Turn the little trimtab, that turns the rudder, which turns the might ship.

      In life, I’m always looking for the trimtab — what is the little action/event/occurrence I can do that will make an extraordinary difference in the thing on which I’m working? Move that, and for a minute effort, I get a major result.

      Keep up the good work, Jeanne!

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